Who Are We?
The Baltimore Metropolitan Women Business Center located at the historic Morgan State University has been funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for the delivery of assistance primarily to women and women owned small businesses. The SBA Women Business Centers act as catalysts for providing in-depth, substantive, outcome-oriented business services, including training, counseling, and technical assistance, to women entrepreneurs and small businesses. By providing training and counseling on a wide variety of topics through WBCs, the SBA meets the needs of the individual client in the local marketplace.
About the Host Organization
Morgan State University (MSU) is the premier public urban research university in Maryland known for its excellence in teaching, intensive research, effective public service, and community engagement. Morgan prepares diverse and competitive graduates for success in a global, interdependent society.
Welcome to Morgan State University's Division of Academic Outreach and Engagement. Consistent with the University's ten (10) year strategic plan, Growing the Future, Leading the World: The Strategic Plan for Morgan State University, 2011 - 2021, the purpose of this Division is to engage with community residents and officials in the use of knowledge derived from faculty and student research, the sharing of mutually beneficial resources, and the appropriate and timely dispatch of University experts and professionals to collaborate in addressing community concerns.
The Entrepreneurial Development & Assistance Center (EDAC) with the main focus of connecting budding and existing entrepreneurs to resources for venture management and growth. Founded in 1992, EDAC has a long and impressive history of providing a continuum of technical assistance and other support services primarily to underrepresented communities. EDAC has been supported by USDE Title III funds, banks and other private sources as well as program income from activities and mentor-protégé fees
SBA’s participation is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA programs or cosponsored programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact 443.885.3663. Grant #SBAHQ20W0001..